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New Moon Blessing

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this offering


When I mentioned it toward the end of last year there was an overwhelming response. Folks were like, "Ummmm yeah! We absolutely want in." So here goes...


Each month at the new moon I bless the potion mother oil for the month. I go into channel about the energy of the month, look over the astrology of the month and I petition over the potion oil. 


The potions are potent. And this is partially why.


Setting a clear intention at the new moon ensures that no matter what is happening collectively in the energy of the world, the potion is always pointing toward the manifestation of its intention in a way that it's easeful and joyful and of course impactful.


In August of last year, in addition to blessing the oil, I started adding in people close to me and even including some of you who sent me messages about happenings in your life or places where you need additional support. 


And the feedback blew my mind. So now it's open to everybody. Yes!


There are two ways to participate.


You can automatically opt-in to being included into the potion blessing every single month for just twelve dollars as a subscriber. 


I'll need your name, city, birthday and any petition details that you want to share.


If you want to opt in for just one time, or if you want to do a one time opt in on someone else's behalf, you can do that for a fifteen dollar energy exchange.


And as always, if $12 is beyond your capacity no worries. I'll include 5 petitions each month to cover folks as the Universe sees fit. But if you can get in, and want to know for sure you are covered. I gotcha.

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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