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Thank you for signing up for the Angel Numbers Generator. The link is on its way to your inbox. In the meantime, I'd love to invite you to save 75% on my Clair Communications Gift Course ($11.11, regularly $44.44)
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The Clair Communication Gifts Course

Cultivate Your Connection to Source and Create Boundaries to Protect Yourself

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Introducing: The Clair Communication Gifts Course

The Clair Communications Gifts Course helps you understand why and how Source, or your intuition, is communicating with you. Learn how to put proper boundaries around your spiritual communication so that it becomes a joyful gift that you can tune into, rather than a controlling force or burden. By the end of the course, you will know how to get the most from the messages Source is sending you so you can joyfully use your intuitive gifts towards creating the life you want!

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Feeling burdened is common.

As a spiritual, intuitive, empath or highly sensitive person, you may feel burdened because you feel so much so deeply. So you may have shied away from leaning into the feelings and important messages your intuition has been giving you all your life. Once you understand that this is a gift unique to you (and how to use it), it will infuse joy back into that part of your life and give you the foundation you need so that you can tune into and interpret these messages.

Are you ready to...


Do you often get signs and feelings?

This course is for those who feel like “something” is trying to communicate with them. If you have felt gifted or have always known there’s more to you than your human form, but haven't fully understood that part of yourself, this course will allow you to get to know your intuitive abilities in an empowering way. 


You may be feeling spiritually connected and gifted, but haven’t quite been able to make sense of it. This course is here to make it make sense by breaking down all of the ways that Source communicates to you and empowering you to use your intuitive abilities.

“Learning about Clair Gifts was fantastic. Realizing that our spiritual senses can be high where our natural senses are weak made my life make complete sense! My hearing and memory are not the greatest, and in the past, I've "heard" sentences that have resulted in life-changing moments for me.”
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boundaries with source

Anything that wants to talk to you will respect your boundaries around communication…even Source. When you have a spiritual gift, you may be receiving communication but struggle because it doesn’t seem to be on your terms. In this course, you can learn how to turn messages from Source up or down, refine the way Source speaks to you, or opt out entirely. This knowledge is a game changer for feeling empowered in following your intuition.

What you get

  • A 60-Minute Video guiding you through the process of connecting with your intuition and Source. I will teach you to recognize, understand and harness your gifts so that you can feel the signs and apply them to your daily life. 


  • Course notes and guided journal containing prompts to help you identify your most prevalent gifts and the ones you enjoy the most. You have gifts that you naturally lean towards, and sometimes there are ones that you don’t like. Journaling will allow you to connect with Source and clarify what messages you would like to embrace and the ones that you would not.

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Hi, I'm Crystal

I have been intuitive my whole life—my mother used to say, “Something’s talking to the baby again!”— to the point where they took me to psychiatrists, and I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Up until seven or eight years ago, I spent my life trying to quiet my gifts, and as an intuitive, I can tell you that doesn’t work—it led me to depression and anxiety. If you came to Earth to be an Oracle, meaning someone who gets messages from Source and can interpret those messages, you’re not going to be able to quiet your abilities! 


Understanding that my intuitive nature is a gift and that I control what I hear or see or dream was life-changing, so much so that I wouldn’t call myself a depressed or anxious person anymore. This thing that used to be a burden and an interruption became fun and a superpower. The Clair Communications Gifts Course is a reflection of my journey. I found a way to embrace my gifts and I want the same for you.

“Crystal's teaching is next level. Whether you're just starting on this journey or have been "on the path" for longer, you will get something of value. She has such a succinct way of helping you fall in love with your own divinity and humanity at the same time.”
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Cultivate Your Connection to Source and Create Boundaries to Protect Yourself

Save 75% and Get Instant Access to the Clair Communication Gifts Course

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